Welcome to Years 5/6

We are taught by Mrs Hale and Mr Trickett. 

Our class is made up of 26 brilliant children who love a challenge and always want to learn more. We are incredibly supportive of each over and love to see each other succeed. 

Year 5/6 is an incredibly busy two years so our days are always packed! Our days begin when the doors open at 8:40am with a daily continual practice learning challenge focusing on something we have learned the previous week or month. We study English and Maths every morning. 

The afternoons start with 30 minutes reading time, which allows us to calm ourselves after an active lunchtime and complete book reviews, comprehension activities and participate in whole class, guided and individual reading. This is an incredibly important time for us as it allows us to escape into the world of make believe, be introduced to new worlds and develop our understanding of different texts. 

The afternoons are then filled with the wider curriculum subjects that we love to explore. Our learning is cumulative and builds on previous learning from previous years. We begin every session with retrieval practice of the core knowledge and vocabulary we need to learn. 

We usually do PE on a Tuesday and Thursday, however PE kit needs to be in school every day as we sometimes move a PE session if the weather is bad. We have visiting sports coaches in school which is a lot of fun and we swim for 10 weeks in the autumn term and attend a tennis club for specialist coaching for 10 weeks in the spring term. 

This half term we will be studying: 

  • Why are religious buildings important to believers?
  • Stone Age to Iron Age
  • States of Matter
  • Swimming

Spellings will be sent home weekly for homework and will be tested every Wednesday, with new spellings and homework issued on the same day. 

Please can we ask that reading books and reading records are brought into school every day – as we read with your child during the week to see how they are getting on. We check to see if your child has read with you three times over a week so please fill in the parent’s comments section of the Reading Record Book. 

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