

We actively encourage children to read for pleasure as this is an essential part of education. Reading for pleasure provides wide and significant educational advantages across the curriculum.

We encourage children to read for pleasure by providing a wide range of texts including picture books for all ages. The children, with help from class-based staff, regularly change their reading books. We have a well-stocked library which children can access for an even wider range of reading experiences.

Children take a book/s home from school. Parents are encouraged to read with their children and complete a reading log. We encourage older children to comment in their own logs and teach them the kinds of comments to make.

All classrooms have additional fiction and non-fiction books which children can access during reading sessions and break times.

PIRA tests are completed termly to assess whether the pupils are working below, at or above age-related expectations.

School has a qualified Reading Intervention STA who works with children from Year 1-6 to support reading and to help any child who is struggling with the skills of reading. Our end of KS2 SATs results indicate progress over time across all groups of children.

Reading Curriculum


Children are taught to develop both stamina and skills in writing as they progress through the school. They are taught to write at length with accurate spelling, punctuation and grammar. Writing includes narratives,explanations, descriptions, comparisons, summaries, evaluations and poetry.

At Ivegill CE we view writing as cross-curricular and not just confined to an English lesson. We often teach a writing theme in English eg. recount then plan opportunities to revisit and use this skill in history a month later.

Children write in pencil in KS1 and in pen towards the end of Yr3