Lunch Information

At Ivegill parents use an on-line ordering system for school dinners. Parents can choose from a hot meal option, a filled roll and salad, a jacket potato and salad. To keep our system viable, we ask that children have at least three school meals per week.

We employ our own kitchen team; meals are made with fresh ingredients on site and use seasonal fruit and vegetables.

Our menu runs from October half-term to Easter and then from Easter to October half-term and is a three-week rota. Occasionally meals are rearranged to cater for special occasions eg. Harvest, Christmas.

Ivegill is a ‘No Nut’ school and we do not encourage the children to have any sweets in their packed lunch. Other than that we leave it up to parent(s) discretion as to what you want to put in your child’s packed lunch. We do ask that any food that may be a choking hazard such as grapes or cherry tomatoes are sliced or cut accordingly.